Segregated Funds

Segregated Funds put separate accounts for the clients and the company funds. The purpose of segregation is to ensure transparency, funds are separated into different accounts which means although the broker controls trader’s money but they cannot further access the funds for any other purposes.

Funds are traceable with no ambiguity or uncertainty, all clients will have a segregated account with Otex Ltd. The measure is indented to keep clients' funds safe and secure.

Payment will only go through a third-party processing company, which will hold the funds of client under a segregated account. If in any unforeseen circumstances Otex Ltd is no longer capable of paying clients, all clients under Otex Ltd is protected by I.C.F and shall be compensated directly from the segregated account.

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Investor Compensation Fund (I.C.F)
The Investor Compensation Fund (ICF) was established under the Investment Firms (IF) Law 2002 as amended (hereinafter called “the Law”) and the Establishment and Operation of an Investor Compensation Fund for customers of ICFs Regulations of 2004 (hereinafter called “the Regulations”) which were issued under the Law.

The purpose of the ICF is to secure the claims of covered clients against the ICF members through the payment of compensation in the case that the company is unable due to financial circumstances that are not likely to be improved in the near future.
Third-party payment processor
A payment facilitator not affiliated with specific banks or merchant services providers, acting purely as a third-party entity between a business and their clients. Business though still controls the funds from client, does not have direct access to the fund for further use other than it’s originated purposes.

In cases which the business fails to deliver it’s service, the third-party payment processor will ensure client’s fund as it is segregated from the business’s company account. This will ultimately protect the traders’ interest and the money they invested, preventing fraudulent activities. The objective of the ICF is to secure any claims of covered clients against members of the ICF by paying these clients compensation in the case that the company is unable due to financial circumstances that are not likely to be improved in the near future.

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At TrioMarkets™ (Global) all funds are held specifically within the Swissquote headquarters in Switzerland.
Swissquote Bank is one of the most reputable online trading firms/banks in Europe. Swissquote has over 500 employees and operates in over 7 countries with 10 branches worldwide, generating a revenue of around 150 million (CHF) and currently works with over 250,000 clients worldwide.

As a company TrioMarkets™ (Global) only works with the best in order to provide our clients with the best service possible. TrioMarkets™ (Global) will never use clients' funds in its operation or for any other investment, we ensure protection at all times.
Due to this policy, as a client with TrioMarkets™ (Global), you can feel confident when trading that all of your trades will be completed under the highest level of security, integrity and transparency.
Investor Compensation Fund:
The Investor Compensation Fund (ICF) was established under the Investment Firms (IF) Law 2002 as amended (hereinafter called “the Law”) and the Establishment and Operation of an Investor Compensation Fund for customers of ICFs Regulations of 2004 (hereinafter called “the Regulations”) which were issued under the Law.

The objective of the ICF is to secure any claims of covered clients against members of the ICF by paying these clients compensation in the case that the company is unable due to financial circumstances that are not likely to be improved in the near future.

The ICF serves to cover Retail Clients of CIFs. This excludes Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties.

Covered Clients of an ICF's member company can receive payable compensation regardless of the number of accounts held, currency and place of offering the investment service

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